
October 22, 2019

Abby Notes #6

I promise, I would come up with something non-baby soon however nights are long but months are flying.

Abby is almost 4.5 months old boy and now yells, yes screams in excitement and anger as per the situation. Of course, he has started rolling hence the need to demonstrate this new skill set is so intense that he can not be kept on the bed on his back for more than two minutes. 

Bottle refusal has decreased but I guess he gets really bored of a single type of a bottle. We have introduced one more bottle which is a cheap dummy of Comotomo and Mimijumi but since a week it is working better than the previous purchase. Looks like somebody has already developed preferences. 

Talking about likes and dislikes, Abby has started liking taking bath a bit. He does not cry at all and loves watching water droplets. Abby has now one week experience of getting dunked in a bucket full of water. Can not wait to get him a tub once he starts sitting without support.

Ah about support, he has now full control over his neck and which means, he loves sitting with support. Yeah, it is early as per 'elders' but people forget that he is my kid. A rebel. He just wants to sit sometimes and he achieves the goal by creating havoc.

Abby is now slowly getting introduced to other story books than touch-feel types, thanks to his cousin D and my best friend. He seems to be liking pictures atleast!!! By the way, the mat gifted by my friend R is such a big Abby magnet that he has started loving his tummy timing all the more. He first rolled on the same mat first time, because he so wanted to see the picture on the mat! 

Mommy is now waiting for Abby to start some external food and kick start sleep training in a baby cot with a white noise machine - if Papa is okay with it. 

I seriously feel that if there is one gift I can give to my kid which would be valuable - is the ability to sleep on his own. Lets see.

I hope I share more updates on sleep training and my next pediatrician in a positive sense soon!

October 3, 2019

Abby Notes #5

Oh well, it has been more than 15 days I have post updates about Abby but in such a short span things have moved faster than before.

Abby's fussiness as mentioned in the last update, increased and stayed for almost two weeks. However, it started decreasing after the vaccination visit and we think we might have changed him at his Parsi Doctor's clinc! Haha. Not that he is not cranky at all but he is better. He is a hyper baby and at a stage where he has now discovered his feet, toes and ah, voice. He coo cooes a lot and how!

Abby has become one hyper active baby who can tire every one around him because he wants to play constantly. Mobile toys, Rocker, Play Gym, books etc bore him up once he has done enough grabbing of toys and kicking hell out of them in fifteen minutes. We resort to chit chat then. Phew.

Within 15 days, he has started lifting his head up for quite some time during tummy timing. He is difficult to be managed by two hands- I kid you not. Diving out of your arms is his second nature. And so is yelling when things don't go as per his plan.

The other day, he just rebelled for two days by trying to jump out of the 'Ghodiyu' by anchoring his legs. We can not keep him in, if he has other ideas than sleeping. Oh well, even when he is tired he does not want to sleep - and so here we are with our cranky Abby.

He now recognizes me and Mr.ISB, shows excitement when we arrive to play with him. He loves staring at mirrors and ah, well he loves my hair. Worst? Baby hair. He just sees them flying in air and giggles like a maniac. Well, whatever works!

 I am also trying to put him into some sort of a schedule. Making routines for sleep time - Warm Massage, Sponge, Changing into the Night Dress, Story telling, Music and Going to sleep.

Now, we are entering an age where in weaning off processes would start- Be it one time meal, Ghodiyu, Bottles etc. I am nervous but looks like Abby might be having his own plans in place. However, I am planning to equip myself with a baby monitor, a baby cot, a few more books and a play mat for future! Any tips on weaning off processes, do drop me a note!

We are up for a ride now and forever with our hyper baby Abby!!