Is the relation not an age long relation? Tears and bride are inseparable! Well for my case, Vidai and Tears were treated little strictly.
My Maha-modern Masis and Buas have already ordered me not to cry as in today's world communication is super easy. For me, well I am super techno-savy, I be with mom virtually all the time. I had a doubt when it came to my mom, she is super emotional about her daughter. It was expected to see Ahmedabad flooded with her tears. More than that, I was worried for my dad. In these 26 years of my life, I had started seeing moist eyes on his face and I hate it to the core, even now.
Well, when the Vidai Murhat ticked on the clock, I was not so emotional, thinking good things about marriage. My mom surprisingly had not been in tears for all functions and her eyes were little moist but I was super surprised that she was not crying. When I hugged, the tap of my eyes was going to open with the force of some hundreds of tonnage, she shocked me saying 'Dont cry please, dad will cry too'! That was end, my eyes stopped production of tears and I hugged my dad who had super moist eyes. I avoided the eye contact which stopped his eyes to over flow. All my buas and masis were smiling without tears as per promises given. Well, I could see heavy moisture in my mother's (in law) eyes which happens while watching films too, so this was but obvious. She controlled which was another surprise for me!
The groom side never song a single song describing the pain of Vidai, in fact they sang some fun songs which made atmosphere super light.
I think, crying and mass producing tears both are over hyped. We must stop the ritual. Being happy without tears is less painful, believe me.
The marriage does not end those decades of brought up, relations and rights. So brides, no tears!
My Maha-modern Masis and Buas have already ordered me not to cry as in today's world communication is super easy. For me, well I am super techno-savy, I be with mom virtually all the time. I had a doubt when it came to my mom, she is super emotional about her daughter. It was expected to see Ahmedabad flooded with her tears. More than that, I was worried for my dad. In these 26 years of my life, I had started seeing moist eyes on his face and I hate it to the core, even now.
Well, when the Vidai Murhat ticked on the clock, I was not so emotional, thinking good things about marriage. My mom surprisingly had not been in tears for all functions and her eyes were little moist but I was super surprised that she was not crying. When I hugged, the tap of my eyes was going to open with the force of some hundreds of tonnage, she shocked me saying 'Dont cry please, dad will cry too'! That was end, my eyes stopped production of tears and I hugged my dad who had super moist eyes. I avoided the eye contact which stopped his eyes to over flow. All my buas and masis were smiling without tears as per promises given. Well, I could see heavy moisture in my mother's (in law) eyes which happens while watching films too, so this was but obvious. She controlled which was another surprise for me!
The groom side never song a single song describing the pain of Vidai, in fact they sang some fun songs which made atmosphere super light.
I think, crying and mass producing tears both are over hyped. We must stop the ritual. Being happy without tears is less painful, believe me.
The marriage does not end those decades of brought up, relations and rights. So brides, no tears!
...And she's back :)