
January 9, 2020


Oh yes, I am talking about Office today. Yours truly has resumed work and from all the aunties in our building this Mommy has wore the robe of selfishness and every day goes to work leaving her 'poor' almost seven months old baby home. (Oh no, he does not register my absence at all! 'They' ignore the fact when I leave for office!)

I would stop my rants here and talk about things I think when I am going to office, when I am in office and while I am on my way back.

-Abby is going to be alright. He does not even miss me. Stop thinking about it.

-I don't have anything to wear!

-Why is it so uncomfortable to keep hair open! Let me tie a bun. Oh No, I cant. This is an office.

-Oh my God, the world outside is so slim and trim. God knows how to squeeze in time for working out.

- This feels so good. I finished all the pending tasks.

-Where was I for eight months? Absent from life?

-What would Abby be doing? He does not even miss me! Why?

-I need coffee.

-I want to work out or walk. But I want to meet Abby as soon as I can.

-I need to change my hair style. This pony tail looks out of age for me.

-When should I book a cab to go home?

-Why the hell this Mumbai traffic appears ever where?

-Day care downstairs for ******* Bank is so cute. So many babies!

-Oh look at that baby! Must be younger than Abby too! Why cant I have my baby here?

-No, I cant. What if I have to stay back for some time?

-When is the boss going to talk to me?

-Oh my God, I need to cook dinner as per the plan.

-Oh No, then I will give hardly 1.5 hours with Abby.

-Why is that aunty telling me that Abby will forget me now?

-Oh well, another one coming to ask my office timings. Why don't they go and ask this to Daddy.

-What? Abby is wearing such a mismatched pair of clothes. I had kept everything prepared in the basket, what happened to them?

Believe me, there is a trail left to write about. I still need to plan and sort out some issues. I have to fight with social dilemma of performing in career and my personal life as a mother.

Some day. I will get over them. I can not fight with the society.

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