
March 10, 2021

About Life in 2021

2020 was SOMETHING, for everyone right? We have covered some struggles in my older posts but when I forced myself to read blog posts of other bloggers today and reinstalled the blogging tool on my personal laptop-I was compelled to post updates here. * I can not kill my blog because of COVID fatigue!*

I resigned from my oh-so-unkind-and-directionless job in January 2021 and from February 2021, I am a free bird- trying to explore the new direction I want my career to move towards. Albeit, with a bit of break for myself. Against the popular opinion of not taking a sabbatical in between two jobs, here I am being extra kind to myself and Abby. 

I did not come to the conclusion of leaving the job overnight. It was a slow painful process of realizing that I was adding no value (other than earning) to my career and was leaving Abby to grow on his own. It was a lose-lose situation. While I understand that my mother's guilt is here to stay, whether I work or not, I kept on feeling that I deserved a break.  

So here we are.

I am very very relaxed and happy after enjoying a stress-free vacation at mom's (after freaking 13 months of seeing them!) We are back home at Mumbai with a relaxed attitude towards our surroundings. Consciously keeping calm and focusing on exploring new ideas and teaching Abby some new skills, growing his vocabulary and ah, so frustrating Potty Training. Not mentioning the mess he makes but believe me, this age is the MOST FUN age of a toddler and I am happy I can enjoy it. 

Mr ISB has been keeping busy, neck-deep in his work and barely moving his bums from the chair but Abby does help him to do 20 minutes of active workout, by making Mr ISB chase him in different gardens we take him to. I wish he strikes enjoyable work and better health soon.

Coming back to Mumbai has given me some time to spend with myself, thanks to our apartment design. For some reasons, Abby does not get up every 15 minutes if he does not find me beside me. The room is almost soundproof and that helps! I can finally open my laptop and do some solid work for a stretch of 15-20 minutes!

How have you been???

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