
March 14, 2016

The Sunday #4

The working Saturday was one of those days when work was demanding as well as encouraging and still I could flee from office at four in the evening. It was followed by a Coffe-Dosa date with Mr.ISB in Matunga which ended up with a plan to check out some laptops for your truly who remains unhappy with performances by all laptops - cost or weight. We did not only window-shop but I actually zeroed down to one laptop and bought it on the spot.I do want to thank Mr.ISB to bring sanity to my mind required for taking such decisions!

While I played twitter-twitter for our company's social media account for the rest of the night from my new laptop, we three kids (?) managed to gobble down some Fasoos rolls. I was hell bent on not sleeping early because hey,it is was a Saturday night which eventually made me sleep at 1 pm. I think now that is the usual time I fall asleep.

Sunday was the most awesome holiday I have experienced in last two three months. If I tick a check list,

- Laptop : Check
- Shopping Formal clothes: Check almost
-Meeting my friend with SIL and Mr.ISB : Check
- Not doing anything : Check
- A Yoga session at home: Check
- Cooking up a storm soup : Check
- Satisfaction of a holiday : Check

Only if that painful body stiffness vanishes on Monday Morning :,(

But That was a super Sunday! How was yours?

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