
June 10, 2020

Chai time Chitchat #22

Are you ready with the ginger infused , strong Indian Tea? Pull a chair. I am going to just talk a lot today.

Lockdown is being relaxed however we assume Mumbai will be burning with Covid-19. However, I am here not to shed any negativity but let me tell you one thing, I am liking it. After all the fatigue, hectic schedule, turmoils inside me. I am liking it. Tell you why? I take time for myself after Abby sleeps and do a bit of what I want to do.

I have propagated 6 plants so far for my window balcony. I have plans to create some shelves for books, pots and plants and hence I am going to be gifted with Bosch 500W drill set by Mr.ISB. ( Do not roll you eyes. We are big fans of DIY!) I mostly should use it this year! (Hahahaha, because it took 6 months for me to take out time to start gardening and maintain the garden!)

I am able to spend some time with Abby, mostly teaching him to feed himself- read him some stories even if it means a break every few seconds, chasing him to not to eat that small particle of dust he could see on the floor and of course seeing him having fun with both sets of grandparents (In presence and in Video Presence) and mainly with his Baba (Mr.ISB)

I am able to watch one episode of any web series I want once Abby is asleep at 8.30 pm and which means a lot because when I used to go to office- the only thing I could do to either collapse or just open my laptop and prove myself at work. (It is on another post how things are messy on work front)

I aim to paint something this month. Atleast one small painting?
I aim to take out a glass of wine and pour some Irish Baileys which somebody would gift to me, I assume! (Wicked smile here!)
I aim to have design a slick study table for my Husband so that he can keep the bed clean? Because hey he is working from home forever!
I aim to sip on some Chamomile Tea if nothing works on the Baileys front! (Always have plan B?)

How do you plan to revive yourself?

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