
April 21, 2014

Birthday and all that Jazz!

I am really really late for the birthday post! Yeah, I am growing! I did not get time to blog at all and since so many days , so many things going on that it is really tough to sum up and blog! Today, I decided to blog, just out of the blue. Ah, to remove those blues and fill the life with pinks! Blogging is therapeutic!

So my birthday came - zip zap zoom and so Mr.ISB happened to reach Pune exactly on the same day! I think I do not remember any other thing apart from his coming and the awesome chocolate cake by flatmates. Of course they had written my name "Drama Queen" on the cake, how would they not do it!! Over all a happy happy birthday ended with a great 'Candle light' ( Yes, darling, I went to candle light dinner!) with Mr.Would be groom. Yeah, the birthday included some harassing gifts and surprises by some friends of mine!

With the birthday came up a reminder of my wedding day which is coming closer day by day. Preparations are geared up at both homes. From four cities two cities are heating up with enthusiasm and tension. Other two cities are busy wrapping up professional chorus before the leave. Yeah, later two cities give shelters to the bride and the groom.

Honestly I am excited but more than that I am pissed off. Pissed of for not being able to wrap up preparations before the day from Pune. More than that setting up a new 'Home' is something I am looking forward to but there are no plans available due to uncertainties we are facing.

The grown up feeling keeps on hitting the heart and it beats way faster just to realize, I still can snatch that Strawberry Yogurt or Panipuri, Chocolate bar or a jar of dried berries as fast as I used to in my childhood. I still feel like jumping on those puffed mattresses in hotel, which used to be a usual practice of us- siblings wherever we stayed, in vacations. Some personalities can be staunch , isn't it?

To distract myself , I have decided to take up a challenge! A challenge to write on topics starting from A to Z, every day each! Just like her!

So wish me luck? Gaps in characters should not be allowed, right?

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