
February 2, 2013


'Alpaviram' is the faith of life, it is the hope of life.

I feel the word has a positive and a negative feel. It is up to us, how we perceive it. The symbol of 'still to achieve' or a symbol of 'Life moves on'?! My be it indicates that the life has stored something unique for you.

Life seems complicated at this point of time. You are fighting at multiple zones from the single soul. Who doesn't, but as of now I can see it is difficult. It is easier to fall in a negative black hole rather than seeing a silver line. That doesnt stop me from living. Blessed with awesome family and friends.

What when you actually have to give up on them?

Life can not be a symbol of 'Alpviram'! May be life is all about the truth of 'Alpviram!


  1. Bubblegum,

    No matter what you may think, please let it be POSITIVE always.

    Take care

  2. Wah.. such an abstract title !!

    Alpaviram.. It means pause for a while, take a break and then restart your awesome life :)

    Alpaviram is ok but I hope you don't have 'purnaviram' on your thrilling joys.

    Enjoy as you always do !
