
April 28, 2017

W for Window of Opportunity

I left home town way back in 2009 and from that year what I missed the most- well, not my family (Where would they go escaping from the harassment they have produced!) but our garden.

My dad has a green thumb and has developed a lush green garden in the barren compound of my old home. And let me tell you, hardly any plants would flourish in that land but with many experiments he learnt that we could manage growing Neem, Tulsi, Bougainvillea, Champa (Don't know the English Name), Juhi and Papaya. Mogras were short lived but being the loveliest of all, we kept on re-growing them. One of the most special memories of Ahmedabad Summers was watering the entire garden and plants in the compound with a huge hose pipe and also watering each other. Exactly where me and my brother would start having problems with each other...err and the water hose which we managed to break every year. When I left home for the job, in six months my family also shifted to a better home- say, huge, comfortable and what not. But, I did not like it in the first place because it was a flat, hence no garden. (I love my home now and it is one of the best I have ever lived in!) I was mistaken at that time because my father whipped out a fresh bright balcony garden (without even a touch of classiness but only with plants) in no time. So, coming back home for holidays was the most greenest time of my life again like my childhood days.

I craved for a few plants while I was single and was working/studying in other cities. Only Nashik and Singapore were friendly enough to have a few of plants in my room or even see greenery around me. Rest of those 12 places I have been relocated to, made me just yawn at their dull atmosphere.

When in 2015,we moved back to Mumbai, where my in-laws stayed (now we do too!) I kind of conceptualized a small green space in my mind. It took efforts and time to figure out where I can get that place and how I would manage to keep plants alive. (I haven't really developed a green thumb but some day!) Our own bedroom which was in the flat next to where my in-laws live (we are planning to join them by breaking the common wall some day :D ) had one very weird problem. The flat was bought just before our wedding and was never utilized by the previous owner. Hence, it magically managed to attract dirt and dust within four hours of the cleaning session. It took almost a year for that old ancient dusty atmosphere to go and then room turned into a warm space to live, with two human beings (one interested and one not-so-interested in decor) and their craziness. Now, only some more life was left to make it fresher and I took the plunge to start developing a garden window sill in the room, this year.

I started with two cute yellow pots and pink cute flower plants gifted by a friend. It gave me confidence and I got a Tulsi plant which flourished like nobody's business. I used old pots kept in the antique to grow more Tulsis using the seeds of the previous plant - and oh boy, it almost made a jungle inside the pot. Then, it was the turn of trying out Mogara. I will let pictures speak, how they turned out to be.

On my birthday. Mr.ISB gifted some classy decor pieces bought from Copenhagen which are now permanently placed in our garden along with the wine bottles my FIL arranged for my decor DIYs.

I promise the above photo does not do the justice to the actual window.

..And, I am sure I would nurture plenty of more plants in coming monsoon.


V for Vow

Some time back,

Mr.ISB: "Why are you asking me? Have I ever said No to you for anything."

Bubblegum *whisper*:  "Oh Vow!"

We should always remember Saat feres. If you are lucky enough then Chaar feres

April 27, 2017

U is for Us

I'm organized (than my mom, if she is reading this) , He is a mess
I'm a combination of 70% emotions and 30% logic,  He is 99.99% logic.
I need to talk to live, He just lives and avoids talking.
I run my mind like a processor, He knows when to take a break.
I am a morning person, He prefers not being one.
I am a tea person (and a filter coffee person), He hates tea.
I hate fried snacks, He loves them.
I have limited patience for tolerating any movie, He is a movie buff.
I love dancing, He does not mind dancing but hardly can.
I hate swimming, he can spend hours in the pool.
I tend to love and hate things/persons/situations in extremes , He is neutral.
I love walking with great speed, He walks in the garden even when he is not in the garden.
I keep my toothbrush in the holder every single day, he likes his tooth brush rolling on the basin slab.
I use only my hairbrush. He uses mine unintentionally.
I sleep while watching movies , He likes observing me passing off.
I can not sit in one place for more than an hour, He can spend hours together on the same sofa.
I believe in reaching before time, He likes to chase the time.
I like to know about everything in the world, He loves to imply logic on everything


We love books.
We like history.
We love walking dates ( compromising with speed of course)
We do not really believe in extremes when it comes to religions.
We are gender neutral (He is more than me)
We like travelling.
We do not like to complicate relationships.
We like eating local cuisine wherever we go.
We like being friends.


April 25, 2017

T for Thai Message

On our office group, while discussing about out latest Asset Management assignment (Do not ask me details, I blog to take a break! :D)

"These guys are tagging random guest houses some where in Rajasthan in place of tagging assets of the factory.", I wrote to people while checking the report from the system.

"Let them do, I've highlighted this but they do not care, it seems"- Messaged one of my directors

After five minutes:

"The person who is tagging seems to be from a very basic background." I wrote again

"Yeah, they have hired local person from the same town, why?"

"They have tagged an asset called - Thai Press Dumbbell'- must be a gym room in the guest house"

"Hhahuahuahuahuahuahahhauhauhauhuaha", Our finance director replied from no where.

"Hehehehe"- Our ex-IT guy replied from some where, suddenly. Yes, he is still in our group till he finishes our Infrastructure project.

"I think the guy wanted to go to Thailand for some reasons but landed up in the gym.", I typed back

" Thigh press can hardly replace Thai Press, though", our ex-IT person added. (We trust you for such a comment, Mr. Ex-IT)


S for Serials

I'm big time into cribbing about the quality of television-serials in India and how. I can comment on and on, on any episode and turn the thrill of 'Nagin' into a no brain comedy episode. I have done the same with many Bollywood movies and not to forget, with passion. 

But, there is a difference between stupid serials and movies. Movies have fixed period associated with them and serials are aired either on the daily basis or every weekend. (Where are those serials for which we would wait for an entire week?) So, while we used to convert those horrific television moments into comedy sessions Torrents would download some fabulous Hollywood movies or US/Europe based television series or movies. Once torrents was banned, we cried silently. 

And then Netflix started in India, we immediately subscribed to it and now, major population of Indian Young Generation is on Netflix,leaving sad television serials on their fate. Netflix has been disrupting the entertainment industry like never before.

So, when we were discussing about the Netflix India going great in last six months in terms of content availability, our Tech-guy was asked,

"What kind of an App Netflix is?"

Now only an IT person working in this area can answer this type of a question. Not even me, being a mechanical engineer would have the answer but how can we keep quiet. 

I decided to pun-cture the serious discussion and replied.

"Serial Killer"

April 23, 2017

R for Rhyme

I generally try to create these April posts, a day before. But,as I am lagging by two characters I really wanted to post one this Sunday, to come back to track. After the Q post, I was trying to hunt for the topic for R. Needless to say, I was struggling.

Our Sunday was a bit too hectic without reason and sleeplessness since two days, had almost locked my mind, which generally needs a little knock every now and then in such situations. So, when I asked Mr. ISB for the suggestion, he asked me to create a small post with rhyming words. When I asked for some clarity, he came up with the idea of making a limerick.

So, here it is for you- Mr.ISB

Husband wants a limerick made by yours truly
Rather I would want a blog post, lovely
Tiredness in eyes and mind
Can not really construct and shine
Even then, a limerick for you, said  Bubblegum coyly


What do you expect after a really tiring day?

Q for Question

So, it is one of the silly game I love to play during people's farewell. Why farewell, I do not know but I guess it has become a part of Farewell parties I manage to throw. (I have a record of managing farewell parties by the way. Sad but true)

The game is called 'Ask me Anything' and we have a set of questions which are mandatory to ask. But wait, we hardly go beyond the first question because in Mumbai, people hardly can go beyond first question and the discussion with laughter attacked followed by it with ar... Drinks. So, the game name needs to be changed from 'Ask Me Anything' to may be 'That Question'.

And.. the question is 'What would you have become in life, if you do not have to consider situations, skill set or influence under which you took up the profession'. The help hint is to look through your childhood. Let me tell you, people wanted to or want to become something very different from what they are doing today. Sometimes totally contrasting to the personality he/she is wearing in life currently. This question literally opens up the inner self and real dreams of the person. Even when we all know that wish might not come true, it is good to share over a drink. Of course, the rule is not to laugh on any one's dream.

Let me tell you some amazing answers from amazing personalities.

My director who is an expert in operations, product development  etc etc, whom I look up to all the time and is a workaholic of the highest order, would want to become a sports person!!! 

My ex- technical chief who was also an ex-consultant in one of the big fours who is also a coder and now a budding start up founder would want to become a singer!! (He can not even hum a song right now!)

Our another finance chief and co-founder would be a cricket player. He did not think about this even for a second.

Our cute little graphics guy would want to do something in theaters! 

An intern we have currently working with us (and makes me look little less immature than what I am) would like to become a celebrity - still weaving dreams, it looks like. 

And do you want to know what I would like to do?

Design everything. Basically, become a product designer.

 A long way to go to become a real designer but.. that is pretty much what I do in the office, apart from other 123 types of work I do.

Should I consider myself lucky or smart enough to lock the dream land.

April 21, 2017

P for Parallel Universe

I dwell in one all the time. For the people who do not know the actual meaning of Parallel Universe, I just have to tell you it is simple - Concurrent times you are living in, which does not exist. I like to take a dive in this parallel universe all the time, especially when the reality is different than what you are going through. Obviously, I do it to calm myself down and to prepare for the acceptance of the faith. I find all the positive points about being in the real world, and come back. But won't it be fun if I can be transparent to at least blog about a few incidents I lived in Parallel Universe?

Real world: I do not like Engagement Rings, especially when it is costly.
Parallel Universe: I love a big diamond ring. 
Defense Mechanism: Blood diamonds. All diamonds are bad, also no resale value.
Back to Real World: I do not like Engagement Rings at all.

Real World: I am not too finicky about food.
Parallel Universe: I love eating as per my whims and fancy. I love food. 
Defense Mechanism: It is tedious and mean to make your own dish. Lets be ideal.
Back to Real World: I am not foodie. I can eat whatever comes on my plate.

Real World: Work satisfaction is every thing.
Parallel Universe: I need money too! Why am I not growing enough in the career.
Defense Mechanism: I love doing what I am doing right now and it is decently comfortable.
Back to Real World: Work satisfaction is very very important. Money can not give it all the time.

Real World: I really really do not like to be skinny.
Parallel Universe: Size zero is the thing, come on.
Defense Mechanism: You look sick when you get too thin.
Back to the Real World: Lets be fit, let that be my goal. 

Do you get 'Ping Ponged' by your mind like this, ever?

April 20, 2017

O for Occupational Hazards

In the team of five permanent team members and a few floating employees on contract, nobody would have suspected occupational hazard involved in the work I do. (Of course, in my previous two companies there were many hazards involved and to protect ourselves, we were given protective layers, shoes , eye wear etc, but we had to use them once in a while thanks to the white collar job I was involved in)

When I joined then-my-new-job, I felt little too dull (relaxed too!) as I suspected no hazards in my profile, even when the first year involved a lot of scouting of manufacturers of our products. What I realized in last two years, (even after studying Ergonomics I acted ignorant) that any occupation comes with a bag of hazards and one must take precautions before he/she gets affected negatively. Let me talk about hazards involved in my new startup- air conditioned office, which I am trying to protect myself from.

Loss of Lordosis & Scitica 
I agree, they are heavy terms for common men, but believe me they are not too unknown as it is said, in today's laptop era, 70% of employees of the world suffer from light to heavy spine/neck/neurological problems, thanks to laptops we work on. Rather, postures we make while we work for hours together. (Do not ask me how, but even after taking a break every 20 minutes, I ended up injuring my neck- it took heavy muscle relaxants,sleepless nights & six days work from home to recover a bit from it) Most of the people do not understand that upper edge of the laptop screen should be parallel to the eye site, arms while typing should be perpendicular to the body and every 40 minutes of working one must take a small break from laptop. A few know these basic ergonomics and many of them know but do not care to change. People, this is very very painful and you must check your posture.

Water, water
Air conditioned atmosphere generally hide your thirst. Believe me, there were days when I won't have a drop of water as I won't feel thirsty at all. While lower temperature might de-hydrate you, replenishing water in your body is absolutely essential. I won't go into technicalities but fluid retention is another thing if you ignore dehydration. Please put a reminder and drink sufficient water. Or face the dehydration or water retention. Period.

Snack- Pack
If you have put on weight after changing a job, there are high chances that you are snacking on junk and processed food, apart from not doing enough physical activity. ("Kam jam gaya hai", said Pados wali Aunty?) Too much of work and no time to have proper meals on time, generally create evil hunger pangs. Accept it guys, increasing intake of coffee - tea and eating biscuits, muffins, packaged Nashtas - we have done it all, at least once in our career. Pack small lunch-boxes,as many as you want but home cooked food or dairy products. Stay away from Sugar and processed stuff. I am having trouble following this as it requires heavy planning but I would get there soon.

Eyes Eyes Baby
I have seen more than nine people who had to wear eye wears or went through sever eye dryness, thanks to the screens we keep on staring at. It is no more a wear-a-protective-eye wear- problem. Eyes also need rest and with increasing usage of gadgets- they get it only when one sleeps properly.We can do as little as keeping eyes well rested and avoid putting any Kajal on every day basis. Girls, I know I am talking about you.

If not entirely we can eliminate all the problems we face in today's age and era, to reduce such occupational hazards but we Indians are quite Jugadu , hence can definitely take a middle path and improve the situation.

Like designing your own laptop desk from corrugated boxes with a separate pair of  keyboard and mouse.

The way I did.

Have you thought about occupational hazards you are unknowingly exposed to?

April 19, 2017

N for Ninja

Believe me, till my nephew came up with a story where a character or a series of characters were called 'Ninja' I really thought it was  a Japanese version of our Desi Name 'Neerja' but I was wrong. Ninja is basically, in modern times,a word used for a person who excels in a particular skill or an activity. I'm not sure if I can affix my name with 'Ninja' but can definitely list out skills I have picked up or developing currently with great success to be called Ninja!

I know I know, focused mindset is back in trend but I believe multi tasking is inevitable. I identified this skill set in me, when our cousin pointed out to me. This skill came to me by two sub-routes. First - Blood, thanks to my mom. Second: Brought up, thanks to my mom. I do things similar to my mom now- which is basically not wasting time when two three stages of different tasks can be combined to save time. Cutting vegetables while the gravy is made, or  calculating bottleneck in the manufacturing process at a vendor's place. I think I have pretty much tried (and still trying) to multi task decently. I guess,I should write a blog post on this.

May be more than Ninja- the correct word is Punctuality Nazi for me. But well.. As my mom says my blood is purely of my dad's family & my face has come from  my mother's family. She indirectly thinks, I am as irritating as my dad when it comes to reaching on time before time. When we do not reach/start earlier than the actual time- we get anxious or lets say, uncomfortable also irritated.I am such a Hitler in this case that most of my friends keep buffer while conveying meeting time to me.

Time Management:
Self proclaimed Ninja as I know many people who are amazing at this but I would not steal this credit for me. Time management in a time of mess is what I do the best and this was told to me by my directors in my annual appraisal. *Slow clap* I hate to waste time, hence my day starts with micro detailing of tasks I need to finish. I would plan the order and combination of each tasks in such a way that I wont sit idle while the next hour I would just go mad with the pressure of work. Multi tasking can be counted as the result of this skill set of mine.

Now, many of you would think these are not really skills to be called Ninjas but believe me, if you can develop such skills - every skill can be mastered.

There is one skill which I am zero at and can call myself an 'Anti-Ninja' (If such a word exists).


Lets keep it for another blog post.

April 18, 2017

M for Mash up

Sadly, I am lagging by two posts in the A to Z blogathon but I am not regretting as I was a bit high on the cocktail called 'Mashup of home trip, birthday, family, cousin and friends'. Nothing happened like what I had thought of - I was not nervous about entering 30s, I was not nervous about how my birthday would be spent, Mr.ISB's presence obviously calmed me down organically but what was the most amazing part? People did not poke my inner self about approaching 30s or did not make me conscious about my birthday in general.

My birthday started with my in-laws wishing me a few hours before my birthday as we were leaving for the airport, to fly to my home town. It was so good to see my dad-in-law select the darkest chocolate available to feed me as 'the sweet dish'- he only knows my love for bitter chocolate I swear. The clock ticked at home, with a cake brought by my brother, with parents and Mr.ISB around. It was a simple cake cutting session with complex chocolate facial which happened even after threatening my husband and my brother - phew. I dedicate my upcoming pimples to them!

This time a weird thing happened. I did not receive any calls at 12 in the night. I was never a call-at-night-to-wish person so I was only happy to realize it - may be this is how the aging works. The very next day, a few phone calls and many many messages, a good continental lunch with family and an awesome afternoon siesta helped me to just let the day pass like a breeze. We had a small get together at my cousin's place and as usual it went by with laughter attacks or giggles with a lot of Panipuris. I was content and did not realize at all when the birthday arrived and flew by. I am still not sure, how it got over so fast.

But,the trip was not over and so was the birthday. My paternal cousin who is my name sake if you consider her nick name, dropped by and we had fun times with her. My ex-Singapore-roomie finally decided to drop by and met Mr.ISB for the first time. It was fun to see them trying to gang up against me but well, not that easy! *Khi Khi*   My best friend with her daughter (and a gift for me!) also dropped by and I can not explain how much we loved to have our cute little niece at home.

It looks like the amalgamation of family, friends, cousins and of course home town made me happy. It would have been fun if my in laws and frock buddy N could have joined in. Next time!?


Special thanks to Mr.ISB for making this home town trip happen. 

April 14, 2017

L for Leisure

Not having to meet any one
Not having to worry about work
Not having to worry about house work
Not having to worry about tomorrow

Plenty of time
Cool Breeze
Topics to discuss
A couple of books
A camera to click
People to observe
Good coffee to drink
Pastas to devour
Mountains to see
No worries

That is my idea of leisure and I need that break.

May be a in a month or two.


April 13, 2017

K for Kismat

Kismat or destiny. I have started believing in it.

2014: It was my 'shagun', and a very personal affair between too families. There was no celebration or stress about anything. But.....

We forgot to click our photo as a couple in the event.

...We still laugh about it. How can we all forget to click to-be-married couple's photo.

2017: My sister-in-law got engaged today. A day before, we again remembered our mistake and decided that this time we should at least pose together to get a nice photo. Our home function after all!

Well, we again forgot to click a photo together.


Chalo, this time the newest couple in the family got clicked :)
Mr.ISB, some improvement after all!

April 12, 2017

J for Jodi

While coming back late at night, we all were inside the lift to reach home.

*Seeing me, tapping my feet on the floor*

Every one got confused and dad jokingly said, "Oh my god, Bubblegum is laat maroing Mr.ISB!" 

Sister-in-law: Dad, chill. She is trying to disrupt my thought process while I was staring at the floor!                          Nobody can beat our understanding. 

Every one else just smiled. As I nodded in affirmation!


My SIL was lost in thoughts looking nervous like any other girl, while her engagement was getting fixed an hour back.

Yes, she is getting engaged!!!!

...and I did not want her to get stressed. Breaking her chain of thought was necessary.

I'm not sure what my life would have been without her. The chemistry we share is 'Oh so precious' for me.  We are inseparable. We eat together, talk together, laugh together, cook together (And take an age to get food ready, because we have something to discuss always!), attend functions together.

As much happy and excited I'm for her, there is a strong sense of sadness deep inside me. The fear of being at home alone, without her is scary but...

As she rightly says,

We are each others' sister from another mother, we would manage anyway!


Time to celebrate!!

April 11, 2017

I for Impressions

I had collected a few wine bottles from my Dad-In-Law's friends to do 'something' about them and convert them into classy decor items but as time flew, my inertia just got stronger and they kept on making my window sill garden a bit more interesting without much ado.

Till I grabbed Primer from the shop from the market from where I pass every single day, I did not even developed the idea of what I was suppose to do with a couple of acrylic colors and an empty wine bottle. When finally the Primer arrived- I stretched my day to give a decently thick coat of primer on the bottle and waited till it got cured for 48 hours. 

After curing I coated the bottle with bright orange color without any thinking, just to witness how the paint behaves with the glass covered with Primer. The second coat happened on the third day and then today morning, I took the boring looking orange bottle and decided it to make it a bit happening.

I took the ear bud from the jar and dumped the edge into cute yellow color. Impressions in the shape of flowers I could make, made it fresh and human. (Read: Imperfect) Because, hey I could not hold the bud steadily but who cares. 

This is how it turned up.

What do you guys think about it?

April 10, 2017

H for Home plans

- To have a few more plants in my window sill to call it a window garden. A couple of them with hangers and a couple of them in bright colors.

- To paint wine bottles I have kept since ages, just in the hope to get started some day

- To paint a couple of small canvases for our drawing room. The idea is generated by the creative mind of my mother-in-law and now I need to deliver orders of small canvas paintings to both mothers. Phew. Only if they understand, my laziness is making me procrastinate like never before.

- To grow one Tulsi plant in the drawing room if fellow homies are comfortable.

- To get a magnetic board for the huge magnetic souvenir collection we have collectively created

- To get some fake flowers for the classiest ever wooden flower vase my MIL has picked up

-  To get a full size mirror in place of the bulky dressing table we have in our room. Compromising on storage space, for the sake of minimalism we both love

Not many but hectic schedule makes it impossible to even finish one! I wish in a month or two I can work on atleast one or two of them.


April 7, 2017

G for Grounded

So, Mr.ISB is back from his bi-monthly business pilgrimage to Copenhagen.

And so when he said he had hogged on to Pav Bhaji on the airport before hiring a cab for home, I was not surprised. It is a part of his 'pilgrimage' and he won't miss it. In fact, if I had bet on some money on it, today I would have earned out of gambling with my mother-in-law who kept on worrying about his early morning breakfast- before he hits the bed to sooth his jet-lagged-mind.

He has a very very peculiar way of sorting this 'Arrival' day. Which starts from devouring Indian food on the airport and ends in the evening after a long period of sleep. In between, as soon as he is done with unpacking stuff he has bought for all of us and flinging his clothes in all the directions (and yelling at me for collecting them for a wash- because he wants to do his stuff on his own - may be after a month?) he would glue his butt (and body) to the sofa/bed and won't budge till evening with a small break for lunch if mom insists.

Though we let him do this without any comments when he returns from his trips - he always gets verbal diarrhea from me, my MIL and my SIL on the other days regarding his habit of sticking to one place for the longest period possible.  (Not that he cares one bit) Before sitting he would have a bottle of water, those n numbers of cables/chargers he would need if he is working/watching movies on ipad, books, mobile phone, a jar of something edible around him. Hence he becomes a part of his self-sustainable ecology. Which used to be an irritant for me all the time.

After almost years of staying together, I have stopped getting bothered by it. I have discovered my own mechanism of being too busy to care about it - named, talking to MIL & SIL laughing over this habit and organizing the mess till it is upto my-OCD-satifying-level.

I anyway can not complain about his this habit now, because I wanted that one quality desperately in my life partner.

The virtue of being  Grounded.

Just that Mr.ISB took it too literally and seriously. 

F for Food Favourites

There are two types of foodies in the world.

1. Who are amazing risk takers and can taste any weird dish without even thinking for a micro second
2. Who are not at all a risk taker and floats in the same boat while they enjoy the ride

I am the second type of a foodie but do change my food preferences once in a while. Like once or twice in a decade. So you can safely call me the foodie who does not want to try new food!

I generally like to dwell into these four dishes and devour as if there is no other day left in my life.

Yogurt: No, Curd I have almost every day but if you are talking about some luxurious food favourties - it has to be Strawberry Yogurt. My Europe trip or a visit to the nearby Amul Parlour can not happen without gulping a pack, ever.

Dark Chocolates: Over a period of time my tolerance for over sweetness has decreased drastically and to be frank it has gone to zero. Apart from a couple of Indian sweets and fruits , I hate anything sweet which includes tea and coffee. So naturally my taste for dark chocolate has developed to the extent that I can comfortably swallow and enjoy 80% dark chocolates as well. The best part about dark chocolate? - You can not binge on it.

Pasta: To dismay of both mothers, I love Pasta. (And come one Pasta are made up of Semolina and not Maida, generally) Be it creamier pasta with a lot of gravy and no vegetables (No, I need my veggies but chalata hai) or truly Italian pasta with a lot of veggies, a little bit of gravy. I do not really need it to be cheesy like we get in India but I do not complain either. Pasta is my comfort food. Anytime.

Thai food: There is a sense of unique satisfaction I feel, when I devour Thai Food. Perfect mixture of coconut milk, veggies and rice. A good portion of Vitamins, Antioxidants , Carb and of course Fat in coconut which reduced GI. I am yet to find an authentic Thai restaurant in Mumbai but yummy is the world for Thai Food I had in Singapore.

What kind of a foodie you are?!!?

April 5, 2017

E for Emoticons

Emoticons had sorted my 'no expressions' in messaging problem way back in 2008 with java short codes in Yahoo messangers. My sonic typing speed increased to super sonic with it and my emotions were also take care of. When 'WhatsApp' era started and integrated themselves with Emoji and short codes, the teenager in me was more than pleased. I started using them extensively - even after the java short codes were disintegrated later on.

So much that smileys I used had become my identity. People could predict how would I construct a message. If I analyse each emoticon I was addicted to (before and after standard java short code era), showed my (rising from negative) level of maturity and composure.

2010: I was freshly out of college, I used below smiley a lot. Talk about maturity. Also, it came with a java standard short code, exactly like Yahoo Messenger and this one had the easiest code ':p'.

2013: I did not show my tongue (Also, short codes on my then-new mobile stopped working). Rather I started grinning at the end of every sentence I typed. It is actually grimacing, but this smiley is used to show 'Battisi' than anything else in India.

2014: I got married and I realized 'happy tears' are a thing. Kidding. I started laughing so much that my tear glands went berserk, on every comment I made.

2016: I became too matured to handle my emotions and rather hanged myself upside down at the drop of the hat.

If you are thinking, I am becoming more and matured with age, do not stop reading.

2017: I am yet not into a new emoticon with decreasing use of Whatsapp but I have started using texts and mails without entering Emoticons because it takes 1.3 seconds to insert one without using java short code.Which I guess is a good change but believe me, there is an issue with it.

I realized it only when my mom asked referring to my text to her.

What does ':P' mean?

Looks like I'm going back to 2010 in the era of java short code and Yahoo Messenger, subconsciously. And my mom is not able to understand the dilemma of an engineer who knows Java short codes.

And of her daughter who refuses to grow up.


April 4, 2017

D for Dance

If I continue blogging till I'm 60, there is a possibility that the April Blogathon would have a post named 'D for Dance' even then. It really can not be anything else.

Dance is my meditation. Dance is my stress-buster. Dance is my endorphin and Dance is what I believe, truly is mine. Nobody can take 'dance' out of me.

Hence, if you find me dancing rather than finding that wrinkle or touching up my make up in front of a mirror - don't feel weird. That is how I am. (A mirror - a full mirror makes me want to dance all the time and I'm not kidding. One day I would have a huge life size (if there is a word) mirror at home and some space to dance freely- my type of a temple)

I'm also very very strict with my postures/expressions when it comes to  dance. (I am not an expert by any means) I do not want to bore any one here with technicalities but when I see 'Sonam Kapoor' patting her bum in 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo' or Katrina doing pelvic thrust in style, in 'Chikani Chameli' - I crave for 'Madhuri' of  'Chane ke khet mein' or 'Dhak Dhak'- if it has be to a sensual number. When I see Hrithik dancing with brilliant moves I miss 'Govinda' in all his dance numbers. I feel when one dances - the joy should be felt and expressed. I clearly feel only and only Varun Dhawan and Ranbir Kapoor can fill in the vacuum created by Govinda's absence in the film industry. In female dancers though I see no promising person coming in to be the new 'Madhuri'.

Till then I have to go back to old golden days to play songs on which I can dance like no one is watching!!!



I thought I should share two of my favorite songs (they are not heavy classical for a change- they are mood changers for sure) just because they have my favorite dancers in it. (Ignore Amitabh - he wears a unique style of himself which can not be counted as a dance move)

April 3, 2017

C for Cute

Mom: You look cute and simple in the Display Picture (I was wearing a saree!)
Me: Thanks *Feeling weird*
Mom: I think you should do some make up and a new hair style and.. 
Me: Hmmm  *Rolling my eyes*
Mom: try to look hot.

Me:     :|

I meant now my mom also thinks I need to groom myself? I hope the land collapses right now and whoever is underground takes me in like how he/she did for Sita Maiya. But wait, did it happen for the first time? No. I can never forget the moment when my ex-roomie had told me, while I was making futile effort of applying an eyeliner.

"You anyway look cute. You don't need it." Before I smile you think it was a compliment..

"Kitna bhi karlo hot nahi dikh payegi tu."

Well, I had almost forgotten such incidents and even compliments for that matter. But the comment from mom was beyond my comprehension. I meant moms in the world are cribbing over the Nakhras of their daughters who spend fortunes to look stylish and my mom is waiting for the magic which might make me look hot ! (She is waiting since years but I guess she has only witnessed my transition from a tom boy to a tom boyish girl who uses lipsticks only! Khi Khi)

But but wait, I ignored her as just in a couple of hours I could come back to my composure. Again, thanks to the Whatsapp!

Me: You both look so so so so cute in this picture! *To a friend who has the cutest kid on this earth!*
She: Thanks you, but girl you look hot.
Me: Really? THANK YOU!

We all know now, why I feel blessed have her. She never fails to  ping me when I need her the most..

Ah.. well.. and also never breaches the contract signed, which compels her to call me 'Hot' in place of 'Cute'.

April 2, 2017

B for Birthday

I know I know, I have already blogged roughly 19 times about April being my birthday month. It is very natural for  me to blog about 'B for Birthday' being the ex-over enthusiastic birthday girl to silently-sulking-looking-at-30s young lady - sometimes all at ones.

Truth to be told, I have done, many times, the very noble task of reducing friends' stress about buying a surprise (no less) gift for me by mailing them a list of things I wish for (Practical one, that too!) hence it came as a shock even for me, when I got into this deep well of numbness on my birthday, last year. I would like blame it on this no-friends-city or the husband's absence beside giving credits to my Sister-in-law and parents-in-law for managing me in such a weird mental state of mind. This time though I am back to myself. I am maha-enthusiastic about my birthday. Because,

1. I am in my home town, spending the day with my parents (and relatives as well)
2. I have Mr.ISB beside me. I am pretty sure he is going to get the pressure of my hyper state of mind
3. I have some stuff to shop and they are necessities. Hence, no guilt birthday shopping spree awaiting

Now if you consider this enthusiasm level at the ripe age of 29 quite compelling, let me tell you, I can take a full swing back to the nervousness like last year. But, I am pretty sure about one thing. I do not want to age with desperation of looking young . Because,that has been pre-decided by destiny genetics.

What I can do on this birthday is to feel happy, contented and age gracefully. Yes, Gracefully. Like those Brit school groomed royal ladies of Indian royal families. (Phew)

Better late then never, I hope the lady like charm magically appears in Bubblegum at 30. Something which never happened in last 29 years.

Or else,

I am back to my jumping dancing and giggling self. With lots of happy memories on this birthday!


PS: This blog is as scattered as the south Indian movie, 'Indra The Tiger'. Sorry but, I'm still into the blogging block.