
April 27, 2017

U is for Us

I'm organized (than my mom, if she is reading this) , He is a mess
I'm a combination of 70% emotions and 30% logic,  He is 99.99% logic.
I need to talk to live, He just lives and avoids talking.
I run my mind like a processor, He knows when to take a break.
I am a morning person, He prefers not being one.
I am a tea person (and a filter coffee person), He hates tea.
I hate fried snacks, He loves them.
I have limited patience for tolerating any movie, He is a movie buff.
I love dancing, He does not mind dancing but hardly can.
I hate swimming, he can spend hours in the pool.
I tend to love and hate things/persons/situations in extremes , He is neutral.
I love walking with great speed, He walks in the garden even when he is not in the garden.
I keep my toothbrush in the holder every single day, he likes his tooth brush rolling on the basin slab.
I use only my hairbrush. He uses mine unintentionally.
I sleep while watching movies , He likes observing me passing off.
I can not sit in one place for more than an hour, He can spend hours together on the same sofa.
I believe in reaching before time, He likes to chase the time.
I like to know about everything in the world, He loves to imply logic on everything


We love books.
We like history.
We love walking dates ( compromising with speed of course)
We do not really believe in extremes when it comes to religions.
We are gender neutral (He is more than me)
We like travelling.
We do not like to complicate relationships.
We like eating local cuisine wherever we go.
We like being friends.


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