
December 9, 2011

Mind blocks!

Its an awesome topic to write for me. I have/had some millions of mind blocks, I tried to conquer some and Some tried to stick to me! But, they are not good. I want to face all of them , they are not fears! They are things you are going to miss in your whole life! I need to live all my mind blocks.

I first heard about it first from one of my elder (very much) cousin, when she asked me to wear long earings and I was horrified!! Yeah, I was a teenager don and the tom boyish girl of my class at that time. I told her, it wont suit me and my image would get punctured! She said its my mind block and forced me to wear a pair of her choice of earings. I carried them well and Now they are an addiction!! We both have a biiiig collection and I am very very possesive about it! Okay a confession: She has a better collection! :P

The other mind block was about SPAs, 'I wont be able to go to SPA' block, In my last kerala trip I enjoyed it the most! :)

I always thought ,I wont carry traditional dresses properly, like sarees, salwars, chudidars. I never had a doubt for choli as I was always a good garba player!. Today, somehow I have over come that mind block so nicely that I carry chudidar almost on daily basis sans dupatta! :P I carry it with dupatta also , but sometimes! Its a different thing that another mind block about jeans has entered my mind! :/

I had/have a severe mind block of wearing cream and white shades!I generally avoid wearing them.I think they make me look like an ugly dumbo. But, the situation has improved thanks to my brothers who gifted me a nice and super cool white watch and people appreciated so well that , I cant step out of my home without it! :) Still, a long way to go for apparels.

I had one for make up! A basic makeup! A weired one!' I can not carry any cosmetics on my face' block! Thanks to GLG1, I had removed it 30% and I think I wont move ahead of 40%! :P

I have a longer list of my on going mind blocks for which I have to tighten my seat belts and take off! like,

Car driving - more of a mind block , less of a phobia
Swimming and skin infections
Playing football
Wearing anklets- I simply love them but... :(
Carrying a chiffon saree-The most glamorous attire I can ever imagine!Just like Yashraj movies!
Going on sea-shores-yeah the nervousness wali gudgudis are felt!

The list can be updated daily! :P

My life is God's gift , its the one time show! I can not miss any damn thing for any silly stupid thought of my mind!I would fight and remove them and push them 100 yards away from my mind! (I know now some of my friends would have a chance to force me to do some things related to my mind blocks and when I would argue , they can throw this post of mine and dance over my head!! :P)

How many mind blocks do you have?Did you fight to move them out of their mind?! :)

PS: I really want to get rid of the whole list! and Yeah.....I know a person who is a bit conscious about his hair (I have made him so may be!) and I am trying to create some mind blocks in him!: P Kidding! Happy Birthday to him , yes the one who is an easy target of my pranks/mazak/masti daily! The one who is the luckiest to get the best wife in the world ( thank god! she is talkative !)and me as a very good friend! Thank you!


  1. felt more like a story on transformation of 'bubbles' to a girl :P

  2. Good post. Even I have mind blocks but i try to fight it.
    I am acrophobic and I have never been able to overcome that.


  3. @Megha: Thanks and We must try!! Dont kill the will :)
